Why Us


At Confluence Solutions we see past the different streams to the much greater product that comes from collaboration. We take the time to earn the respect of all partners because we know paths cross more than once. We know connection leads to understanding and that leads to change.

And we happen to be really good at creating change.

We are your partner. You know the issues. You know your members. You know your business. You know the goal. We know how to get you there.

Together we are so much more powerful.

Who we are


We are your first call when a project is too big, an issue too complicated, a coalition not coalescing.  Because we’ve seen it all, and we know what works and how to move the work forward.

We are your policy project manager.  Your coalition coordinator. Your change management strategist, sidekick, and thought partner.  

With over 15 years of experience managing policy change, political campaigns, coalition building, and change management we are the extra set of hands you need when you have an idea, a solution, a big change ahead, and you don’t have the capacity to get it all done.

About Elana


Elana has been a part of virtually every major policy issue that has faced Oregon for the last 15 years.  She has helped agencies grappling with significant change, supported multiple organizations as they addressed deep-seated injustices in their systems and structures, and built consensus among partners who rarely see eye to eye countless times.

She has over 13 legislative sessions of state lobbying experience, seven years in the Oregon Governor's office and experience working in state agencies,  five election cycles running organizational support for campaigns, and all the relationships that come with time invested in working with people for 15 years.

Elana’s work includes intentional convening; lobbying; policy development; campaign work including independent expenditure work, field program management, and literature development; communications (press, speech writing, and mail); coalition coordination; and project management.

Elana brings a depth of connections and a breadth of experience that can help get your project across the finish line.  Whether you need someone to formulate your idea, create your campaign plan, or project manage the implementation, she’ll set you up for success - a win now, and stronger relationships and increased capacity moving forward. 

Elana grew up in a small town, lives in the Portland Metro area, and has worked with Oregonians from all backgrounds, from laborers and educators to attorneys and manufacturing technicians.  She’s a working parent who understands the pressures of managing a business and a family.  She’s dived into issues as varied as farm policy, workforce development, paid family leave, and forestry.  She approaches every project by first seeking to understand perspective - whose voice is being heard, whose isn’t, and how does that change the outcome?